Build Bridges Not Walls

Build Bridges Not Walls is a small-scale model for a piece intended to be large scale.  This maquette is rendered in fused and slumped glass.  The wall has a deeply textured layer of singed copper on its surface.  The bridge is a translucent arc of pink.

More than just a political statement about current world issues, this piece is intended to embody inner struggles as well as a philosophy for growth.  In the wall, there is density, darkness and restriction.  In the bridge there is light and reflection and openness.  The bridge seems fragile in comparison to the wall, but in its graceful arc there is enormous strength.

Today, as I write this, our government is taking bids on the construction of a border wall to keep immigrants out. Suppose this fearful act were defeated by the idea that immigration is our greatest strength; that we are not one people but all peoples, and as such, we have all the collective wisdom and resources to accomplish the unimaginable.

Build Bridges Not Walls is a work of hope and a diagram for a better world.

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